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The moxie and mojo of earrings

      I have a reputation for earrings. If I ever show up without them on, I am just not dressed and something is terribly wrong.

   I remember once when I was to speak before a large group. One of my friends was in the audience, one who always looked forward to seeing what earrings I would be wearing. We were doing volunteer work at a farm, and I would show up wearing earrings even if I was raking leaves or painting walls. So as I took my place at the podium, I reached into my pocket and dramatically pulled out and put on a rather bodacious pair of earrings. Looking straight at my friend Mario, I said, “Okay, now I can begin.”

      To me, that is the importance of earrings. They not only complete the look, they are the look. The finishing touch. The expression of the moxie and mojo within.  Without them, something is missing, and I can’t possibly go into my day complete. 


      One morning at my job at the fine jewelry counter of a major department store, a woman came in to return a pair of earrings. They were what I would consider an average, common looking size and shape. But to her, they were too much. She was just too timid to wear them, not being a personality that wanted to attract attention. The thing is, she kept saying how much she loves them and wanted them. I had her try them on, and as soon as she did she looked complete. Attractive. Had just the right razzle dazzle. If only she would see herself that way!

    In the process of helping her, I took off my earrings, (which are so long they touch my shoulders) so she could see the difference. She had already commented that I have a sassy hairdo and that’s why the earrings work for me. When I took them off, she said “Wow your hair is not nearly as sassy as I thought!” Okay, so, in my case the earrings complete the look, but there’s something more. You gotta already have the moxie, then the earrings simply express it. No moxie, no expressing. She clearly lacked the moxie for earrings. 

So, in honor of the importance of earrings and moxie and mojo, I present to you some of my personal favorites and their wearers. 

 Alexander Calder earrings 

                                             minimalist mojo


So what fits your style and expresses your moxie? Simple and elegant? Bold and tribal? Minimalist or over the top? Or a blend of all the above? 
It’s a new year, and a great time to find your perfect earrings!


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