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Sandy Walker
Mixed Media Artist
 I’ve always been a lover of paint. I vividly remember the excitement I felt opening that  rectangular tin filled with round cakes of watercolor paint in elementary school. From that point on, I have desired to explore and express within the inviting purity of paint. 


      I studied Art Education and painting in college, and since then have come to enjoy the versatility and freedom of expression found in mixed media. I started a line of mixed media wearable art, which I have sold at juried art fairs in the midwest and Florida for more than 30 years.

      In 2015 I began to develop a body of work called "Of the Woods”. Most of these pieces began as watercolor paintings and evolved into mixed media. With these pieces I hoped to provide a place of visual solace, so that, like the tallest trees, one may reach up to the heavens.  I was originally inspired to do this series  when we relocated to a wooded property in rural Indiana. I began going out to the woods to paint, draw, think and pray. Of that time period, I wrote the following:

“I am personally drawn to the place like a hungry person is to a banquet. It feeds my soul to spend time out here. I have already formulated a plan for a body of work. Not jewelry, but mixed media woodland paintings. Being in the woods is reminiscent of childhood, where I spent hours in the woods next door and across the street. In my imagination I lived out there. That is, after all, where I would go as a child to talk to God. So, once again, I have come full circle to the woods.

   By 2018 I had developed several paintings that were, by their very nature, "of the woods". The colors and textures were very muted and neutral, just like the colors of the woods. It was important and needful work for me, and it kept me on a routine of getting out to the woods as well as the studio. 

      The challenge was no one else was seeing my work. At the art shows I was showing jewelry, not mixed media. My art studio was a private space for only my husband, my cats and myself. With no one seeing my work, there was no feedback, only the internal dialogue  of my thoughts, which was not always helpful.

     One day a dear friend came to visit. She is a woman who is filled to overflowing with the spirit of God, and who loves to serve and help other people. The plan was for her to come to my studio and make jewelry with me. She had signed up for a workshop that I offered, and it just so happened that she was the only student!

       She arrived, we settled into jewelry making, and our conversation led to my art.  I showed her some of the pieces I'd been working on, and from then things changed. To say she was supportive was an understatement. Her response to and appreciation for my art  were genuine and motivating. She encouraged me to develop the pieces into a series and put it out there for people. 


    By the time she left my studio that day, I had a whole new perspective on where to go with my art. Getting positive, godly feedback from my friend was just what I needed. I decided to dig my heels in and come up with finished, framed art pieces that others would value and desire. 

      By 2020 I had a cohesive and harmonious body of work, all similar in color, style and subject matter. "Of the Woods" was ready to go. Then, like everything else, all shows got cancelled and "Of the Woods" went back into storage. 

Until now. 

I finally was able to show “Of the Woods” in 2021 and 2022 at several outdoor art festivals in the Midwest. This is how I describe the work:

"I combine paint, papers, ink, crayons, and canvas, and aim to provide a visual place of solace where, like the tallest trees, one might reach up to the heavens."

     That is exactly what attracts people to the work. People come in my booth and just get quiet. They get peaceful. One person said "this is like a sanctuary in here." There have been several conversations about the peacefulness, even reverence, of being in the woods, and that is why people connect with my art. People need a visual place of solace in their homes. That is what my work provides and that is why it is of value. 

         So now you know when I say I’m in the woods, it’s not a bad thing. I’m not lost in the woods, I’m not “can’t see the forest for the trees”, and I’m not even looking for a way out of the woods. I’m actually very happy to be back in the woods, and would like to invite you to come too. 



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