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Showing posts from December, 2018

Harmonious Blends and other musings

       So what makes it a harmonious blend?      Harmony is a combination of units which are similar in one or more respects. Units are harmonious when one or more of their elements or qualities, such as shape, size, or color, are alike.      In this sketch, done by my husband in preparation for a painting commission of a Chilean vineyard, I am struck by the harmonious blend of the directional lines that lead the eye through the painting. Design in art is not random, it is planned by the use of the elements of design, such as line tone, color and form. In this drawing, the lines of the vineyard rows lead the eye of the viewer toward the distance and then back toward the front. Harmony is achieved by the variegated, yet similar, lines that form the rows of planted vines.       In 2019, I am going to explore all aspects of visual harmony. Whether it is fashion, art jewelry design, mixed media, or just different asp...

Making a list and checking it twice

 Yep there’s something to that. Santa, because he’s Santa, has to be extremely organized. He’s actually a genius of planning and preparation! Imagine all that he has to do and keep track of all year long, not to mention on the big night!  His to-do list must be a million pages long. Hopefully Santa takes advantage of technology to stay organized So, in light of making the best of the most wonderful time of the year, here are three simple tips for effective list making: 1. Keep it simple      Santa’s list is long, but he’s had a long time to practice and perfect it. Your to-do list needs only the most important tasks that MUST be completed that day. This will prevent you from being overwhelmed. A short list will allow you to prioritize and focus on the essentials.  2. Plan ahead       While you are most likely not managing a village of elves or magically making reindeer fly, it is important to be prepar...